Sunday, June 22, 2014


While attending a Home School Convention on June 6th, we received a call from the post office telling us the chicks we ordered had arrived.  They needed to be picked up by that evening.  This posed a problem. You see, we were 30 minutes away from home at the afore mentioned convention and it would be quite a pain to go all the way back home, settle the chicks, and come back to the convention.  We would definitely be missing some sesssions if we did that and no-one wanted to miss those. :)  So, Dad called a friend who lives nearby and he graciously agreed to pick up the chicks and settle them for us (Thanks, Daniel!:) !  We ordered 30 broilers and 40 layers.  I think we've only had two die- not too bad! :)  They were in the house for the first week or so, but then we decided it was time for them to go out into the coop.

We open it up during the day so that they can get some fresh air.  There is (as pictured above) a screen in front of the door-way so they can't escape. :)

 Some of the chicks.  The white ones are the boilers and the brown ones are the layers.

Eating away!

Drinking from their water dispenser. 

Well, that's all for now!  Have a wonderful week!

~Seth Wassenberg

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